This is the website of SongService

Serving your church with a complete solution for song handling

Disclaimer: Currently the application is targeting Swedish audience only (except for this front page). The plan is to make the whole system multi language enabled. If you want to encourage us to prioritize that, please contact us on email:

Common wishlist for song handling

Music Folder Computer Computer Computer Church
There are actually several softwares that can do that, and some of them are good!
But in ADDITION to that SongService offer you many unique advantages:

1. Remote editing

Songs and presentations can be edited remote from this website.
The presentation can still be performed standalone from the client without internet connection. Changes made on the website will automatically be synchronized to the client computer as soon as it is online.

2. Touch

The client software is touch enabled and very user friendly.
The user interface is free from clutter and focused only on what is needed during the church service. When needed top and bottom menus with understandable icons will show up.

3. No limitations

There are no limits on the number of clients, users, songs or presentations.
The software is even offered free of charge.

4. Standardized format

Song material can be imported/exported in several common formats.
This means you are not stuck if you one day decide to move to another platform.

5. Automatic scaling

The software will automatically scale the display to any screen size.
This is true for the dashboard as well as the presentation.

6. Remote control

It is possible to remote control the presentation from any internet connected computer, tablet or smartphone. Several displaying clients can be grouped together in slave mode, controlled by a dedicated master.

Click here to learn more about editing on the Web page
Click here to learn more about editing and displaying in the Client